Thursday, December 20, 2007


Mom had her 3rd chemo treatement yesterday. She was tired when i talked to her last night, but doing well.

Monday, December 10, 2007

still doing well

Mom is still doing very well.

Mom had blood work done again today, and her white blood cell count is low again, so she needs to take extra precautions when having visitors and leaving the house. But she is feeling very well.

She really wants to share her gratitude with all of you. She is very thankful for all your prayers, support, dinners, and gifts of hats and scarves. She has plenty of hats and scarves now, so thank you for helping her to keep her head warm.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

swimming update

Mom swam yesterday and afterward she felt a little nauseous and low energy, but today she swam with her head out of the water, so using the kick board a lot, and using weights walking in the shallow end, so she feels better today. She did about 20 laps.

Monday, December 3, 2007


This Thursday-Monday mom needs to especially stay away from anyone sick and children because her white blood cell count will be at its lowest. Thank you everyone for bringing my mom and dad food for dinner. It has been helping out alot. From now on they request that salads are only for Nick, my mom can't eat raw vegetables for a while because they are especially hard to digest. Another request, please no more desserts, i've been told they are delicious, but are alreadying adding to the holiday pounds. Thanks again.


Mom and the rest of her voice class, sang at the annual Festival of lights tonight.