Thursday, December 30, 2010

5th treatment update

Mom was supposed to have her 5th treament yesterday, but her white blood cell count was a little too low, so they rescheduled for Jan 6.

Monday, December 6, 2010

5th chemo treatment update

The infusion center was booked the 28th, so mom will have her chemo appointment on the 29th in the morning. The usual blood work the day before.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

CA 125

At chemo treatment the nurses were able to tell mom that her CA 125 test went from 9 to 7! So still in the right direction.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Mom met with her Doctor today. The CT scan shows the spots on her liver and intestine to be gone! So great news there. But the tumor is still there. The doctor says it looks like it has shrunk about 30%. So she will be doing the next 3 treatments of chemo. She has the 4th treatment today at 2pm and is scheduled to have her 5th treatment after christmas on Dec 28th.
I know she is disappointment she has to continue the treatments, but at least it shows the chemo is working. The doctor didn't have the results of the CA125 test.

Thanks for all the prayers and positive vibes, they are working, we just need a final push to get rid of that tumor.