Saturday, March 31, 2012

thankful for prayers

Once again your prayers and good vibes have helped. Mom doesn't have a blocked bowel anymore! Dad and I took her to Dr. Chan's on Friday morning. The tumor has grown a little, so it is blocking part of her digestion. Dr. Chan has suggested a CT scan and then possibly a surgery for a Loop colostomy. We will start Hospice to help us through this process. Thank you again for the prayers and positive thoughts, we appreciate them.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Mom might have a blocked bowel again. She's on a liquid diet and hoping it fixes its self with out a visit to the hospital. Many prayers and positive vibes please.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Mom sitting with her Cousin Sheila and Cousin Karen on Saint Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

artists sharing project

Mom and Dad's neighbor Keith Moreau and Sam Ellis Moreau have started a film called "Sharing Artists Sharing" at

Mom is included in the 30 plus artists who live in Brisbane that are filmed for this full length documentary. A trailer was shown at last weeks Brisbane's Art Sharing Evening. Check out the trailer and keep an eye out for mom.

Dr. Chan appointment

Mom, dad and I went to mom's Doctor's appointment today. Doctor Chan said mom looked a lot better. He was very happy she's been eating soft foods and has be digesting them with much complication. He said the tumor isn't blocking anything. Mom has another appointment in 2 months to see how she is doing. Such great news.