Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Plan

Mom has an appointment for a CT scan and CA125 test on Dec 2nd. Dec 3rd she will have a morning meeting with Dr. Chan to find out the results and make her decision to have her 4th chemo treatment that same morning or if all the test come back with positive results she might not continue with her treatments.

Friday, November 12, 2010

3rd chemo treatment

Mom had her 3rd chemo treatment today. She found out the results of her CA125 test (before the 3rd treatment), it was 9!!! So to recap, she went from 32, to 18 and now to 9. Such great news!

Monday, November 8, 2010

check up with the doctor from Peninsula hospital

The doctor gave mom the all clear to go back to chemo treatments, She will probably book her 3rd treatment for friday. The doctor said he doesn't think these two hospital visits have anything to do with swimming, walking, diet, chemo, etc. There is extra room since the surgery so her digestive organs can move around a bit more and can kink easier. He said this could happen again in 20 years or in 2 days, there is no way of preventing it. He did suggest that as soon as mom has the feeling it's happen again, be sure to switch to just liquids and talk to her doctor.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Great news

The doctor just saw mom and says the nurses will take the tube out and she should be able to go home sometime this afternoon/early evening. Great news! I'll let you know when she is home.

Update: the tube is out, she is eating ice cubes, next will be broth to make sure she isn't in any pain before she goes home!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The doctor came in this morning and was happy with mom's progress. He thinks one more day with the tube in her nose and then they'll be able to take it out. Thank you so much for your prayers and positive thoughts, they are definitely working.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mom is okay

Mom took an ambulance ride to Peninsula hospital last night after she started to get abdominal pains after eating dinner. Once at the hospital they gave her pain meds which helped a lot. It looks like the same thing happened again that happened in February. She has a tube down her nose and is feeling much better. She will be in the hospital for a few days. Call me if you want her room number.