Monday, February 27, 2012

So proud of mom

Mom received the "Arts Advocate of the Year" Award at the annual Brisbane Artists Evening of Sharing Saturday night. Thanks to Pat Delchiaro for the pictures and for the purple clothing idea and Karen for emailing everyone.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Indiana visit

Mom, Dad and I just spent a week visiting with family in Indiana. Mom did really well, there was so much love. Dinners with family every night and even a night of fun with her girlfriends.

Mom will try to make an appointment with Dr. Chan for friday.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

energy is up

Mom did have some soft foods yesterday and today, she wasn't in any discomfort or pain. She's gone on walks and is doing yoga, so she is doing much better. We will start planning our week long trip to Indiana. Thank you so much for your love and support.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb 5th 2012

Mom and Dad saw Dr. Chan Friday morning (feb 3rd) and decided to stop chemo treatment due to digestive problems and no energy. Upon exam the pelvic tumor is still growing. Mom is focused on healing and to be able to eat soft foods and be strong enough to go visit family in Indiana. Mom is currently on a clear liquid diet. Continued prayers and loving support are greatly appreciated.