Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Its been a rough couple of days.  Mom started a new drug that is taking care of the pain, but is making her very sleepy and groggy.  It is a 5 day trial to see how she handles the drug.  Mom wasn't able to keep any of her food down Sunday or Monday.  One nurse said she might not be able to eat anymore due to the tumor blocking the bowel another nurse said try toast.  She kept the toast down Monday night.  I stayed home from work today (tuesday), she ate today and seemed to keep it down fine.  She threw up twice tonight.  We will contact hospice in the morning to see what we can do.  So many more prayers for mom to stay comfortable and for us family to have the strength to get through this difficult time please.  Please send mom a card or an email with something loving/happy/funny.  We are doing what we can to keep upbeat and positive. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All good thoughts and prayers coming your way Moira Munchkin! Love you and hope the food issue gets better. I am a quick drive away so please let me know if a visit would be helpful. Sending you thoughts of trees and water and of course, all things purple!
