Friday, May 4, 2012


 Mom was awake enough two nights ago to watch an hour or two of the Giants game. 

Another beautiful sky for mom to look at out the bay windows. 

Some church friends came over last night with some Holy Oil, a reading from the bible, singing, stories/memories, jokes and a bushmills, bailies and rootbeer toast. 
After everyone left, I got out some bubbles her friend Janis gave her.  Above is a picture of mom blowing bubbles as the rest of us hung out in the living room. 


Janice said...

Glad you are using the bubbles I gave you---hope it brings a smile to your face and can brighten your day!

Love and Prayers---Janice

Diana said...

Thank you Nikki for doing such an incredible job with this Blog. Keeps me closer to your mom and family. Love the bubbles ! I'm sure that the Super Moon shone down on you, Moira, and your family, with the bright light from Heaven above. Bless you all.
Love, Diana

Diana said...

Thank you Nikki for doing such an incredible job with this Blog. Keeps me closer to your mom and family. Love the bubbles ! I'm sure that the Super Moon shone down on you, Moira, and your family, with the bright light from Heaven above. Bless you all.
Love, Diana